Friends of Cedar Creek Park
We invite you to discover your big backyard through a series of guided events! Come celebrate the new trail being built in the park!
​Hikes, mt. bike rides,
kids outings, and a get together
for fun and friendship!
2016 Events
2016 Events
September 10th
Time TBD
Come out and get your hands dirty at this fall trail work party. For more info contact: cedarcreekpark2013@gmail.com
Stewardship in Action — Build a New Trail
Saturday Oct 8th
9am — 3pm
Come discover the transformative experience of getting your hands dirty and sharing a day with like minded people giving back to the trails and forests that make the northwest such a beautiful place to live and recreate. For more info: cedarcreekpark2013@gmail.com
Subscribe to our mailing list to get newsletters, updates, and event information
Fall Trail
Work Parties
September 10th
October 8th

Stay tuned for more upcoming events!